
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Notes Medieval Ages

  • 1066-1087 the Normans invade England and build castles
  • 1086 the Doomsday book is written. It is a list of everything in England at the time
  • 1087-1100 William Rufus invades Wales and builds castles on the borders
  • 1100-1135 William's brother Henry becomes king
  • 1135-1154 The reign of King Stephen (nephew of Henry I)
  • 1099: First crusade urged by Pope Urban II
  • 1118: The Knights Templar founded to protect Jerusalem and European pilgrims on their journey to the city
  • 1147: The second Crusade begins
  • 1184: The Inquisition begins. This was when the Church became interrogating and converting Jews and heretics. It becomes infamous in Spain. They are tortured there.
  • King Richard I is Richard the Lionhearted and died during the Third Crusade in 1190
  • 1199: King John. He was not liked. Starts the Fourth Crusade
  • 1212: Children's Crusade. They sent children to fight for them
  • 1214-1215: The Barons revolt demanding that the King take responsibility forcing him to sing the Magna Carta. It was written in 1215. It forced King John to accept that the monarch had to play by the rule of law. Until now the King was above the law. This is considered the founding of the Constitutional Democracy
  • Provisions of Oxford (1258) made King Henry III choose a new form of government. The authorities are being weaker
  • Rudolph I is elected Holy Roman Emperor in 1273. This area is Germany, some of Italy, and some of Switzerland.
  • Summa Theologiae is a book of systematized theology. It becomes the most important work of theology of the Middle Ages
  • The Knights Templar of killed by Philip the Fair of France, supported by the Pope
  • Things get worse after the Great Famine
  • the Hundred Years War starts in 1337 between the House of Valois and the House of Plantagenet. It causes nationalization in France and Europe. Italy remains in City-States. England and France become stronger than Italy. Everyone in Italy pays taxes to the Pope. This gives the Pope strength. It is broken down into three parts: the Edwardian War (1337-1360), the Caroline War (1369-1389), and the Lancastrian War (1415-1429)
  • 1380: Chaucer begins to write The Canterbury Tales. It is considered one the greatest works of poetry in the Middle Ages.
  • 1382: The Bible is translated into English. It took 300 years to do this
  • King Henry the V is considered one of the greatest Kings in English history.
  • 1415: Defeat the French at Agincourt. Greatest defeat that they suffer

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