The Black Death
- Carried by rats and fleas
- spread rapidly
- rats traveled on merchant ships. this aided the spread of the disease
- it was another disaster in a series of bad things to happen to europe
- if you came into contact with someone who died of the black plague, you would soon follow them
- blisters and boils appeared on the body of a person with the disease.
- took three days to die of it
- thought it was the end of the world because of all of the sin
- hundred of people died every day
- bodied were buried hundreds at a time
- few who caught the disease lived
- They thought that the air needed to be cleansed by lighting fires
- Most doctors could not help patients
- One doctor tried to cure himself with much success
- Two kinds of the plague. One was more deadly than the other
- the rich ran away from the plague
- It would move through Europe relatively quickly
- It killed a third of Europe's population
- the cause was the fleas that transmitted the disease from rats to humans
- It returned every few decades until the 1700
- Caused a moment of less belief in the church as an institution
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